This service is ideal for Individuals who can’t commit long-term, or have a limited timeframe. But are still seeking bespoke nutritional advice. Individuals who are wanting to discuss their current event specific nutrition plans.
This one-off consultation is designed to obtain an insight and provide advice and recommendations to improve your current nutrition, training and lifestyle habits.
This service includes:
-An initial 60-minute phone/video consultation (Zoom, google meets etc) to discuss your current situation/goal.
-A 1-week meal plan that is bespoke to your recommended macronutrient and caloric targets that is aligned with a your training requirements for a typical week, or specified training block. (More detailed and in depth training notes provided by you on; the duration, intensity, training conditions etc. will generate a more specific plan around your training days - leading to greater results for you).
-Written summary of the discussion, including, key points and recommended strategies to help assist you (post consultation).
-Suggestions & recommendations for implementing small significant changes to your diet & lifestyle, that will see the biggest impact on your performance.
-A 2nd consultation (~30 min), 4 weeks after our initial consultation.
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